Hello everyone, I hope y'all are enjoying the cooler weather that finally arrived. I celebrated by making my first pot of gumbo for the season and looking for jackets and pants in my kid's closets. Now that we're mostly settled into a routine and Elizabeth is sleeping more regularly, I'm so excited to be able to design and create more consistently.
In preparation for the Advent and Christmas seasons, I have two different products available for pre-order: Lacing Cards and O Antiphon Ornaments. Pictures and descriptions for each can be found below. If you'd like to pre-order, please scroll down to the form at the bottom of the page.
Pre-orders are due by November 1st - Delivery by December 8th
Lacing Cards
Set of 4 - $25
This set of 4 lacing cards can help young children practice and refine their concentration while being exposed to Catholic symbology. It’s a quiet and prayerful activity for Mass, Adoration, the Rosary, or other quiet prayer time. Four lacing cards are included to celebrate the Word, the Eucharist, the Holy Trinity, and the Crucifixion. We have a set in the Atrium that is well loved by all the children, so these are definitely kid-tested and approved!

O Antiphon Ornaments
Wood finish - $25
Hand-painted - $40
These O Antiphon ornaments are a brand new design!
This set of 7 ornaments corresponds with the ancient O Antiphon prayers of the church from December 17th to December 22nd that invoke prophetic titles of Jesus. Each ornament has the O title in Latin and English, a representative image, and a related scripture reference to look up in the Bible for meditation and pondering. The back of each ornament has the corresponding verse from "O come, O come, Emmanuel" to add some song to prayer time. The ornaments can be hung on the tree, around a family prayer table, as a banner across a mantle, etc. An unpainted set looks beautifully simple as-is or could be colored/painted by your family. A hand-painted set of ornaments will have a gold O border and vivid watercolor painted center images.
Some years our family starts out strong with our Advent devotions but the rush and busyness of the secular season overcomes our best intentions. This year, I'm planning to use these O Antiphon ornaments as a mini-devotional to bring our focus back to Jesus in the final days of Advent.

Pre-Order Form
Fill out the form if you'd like to purchase anything.
NOTE: For Payment preference, just let me know HOW you'd prefer to pay and DON'T put any actual payment info or credit card numbers in the box. If electronic payment is your preference, I'll send a secure invoice or payment request later.
Thank you for your pre-order! If you're paying by credit card or venmo, you'll be receiving an invoice or payment request soon. Otherwise, your order has been noted and payment will be due at delivery. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know! Thank you!