This fraction circle set is an excellent way to introduce the concept of fractions to your child.  Children can explore the concepts of equally dividing a whole, fraction nomenclature, fraction equivalency and more.  Each set includes a fraction circle frame; 10 circles divided into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 pieces respectively; a storage box with laser engraved labeling in each individual storage slot; and an inset lid with engraved circle outlines on the underside for additional fraction circle building work.  Children can manipulate the fraction pieces with the labeled side up as they begin their work and switch to labeled side down when they gain proficiency.    
Fraction circle box measures just shy of 17.5" long, 10.5" wide, and 1.75" tall.  Each fraction circle measures 4.5" in diameter.  Fraction circle frame measures 5.3" wide by 5.9" high.  All pieces are made from birch plywood, sanded smooth and left in the unfinished natural condition.  
Your child will love exploring how all the different fraction pieces add up to a whole!